Survey Pachaug Pond to understand the challenges and needs. Learn more about successful efforts taken by other communities.
Engage the Pachaug Pond community in preservation efforts. Create opportunities for the community to learn more and get involved in our efforts.
March 7, Norwich Bulletin Article
Implement strategies to control the weed population, sustain our waterfront, and preserve Pachaug Pond for future generations.
Pachaug Pond is a shallow lake with 10 coves. Since light penetrates to the bottom of the lake, it is especially susceptible to the growth of aquatic invasive species. The lake is currently plagued by overgrowth of
fanwort, variable-leaved milfoil, Eurasian milfoil, and minor naiad. Past winter drawdowns of the lake level have not proved effective in controlling weed growth since these plants are located at depths which are unaffected by drawdowns. The lake's sheltered coves are especially immune to the effects of the drawdowns. The most recent survey of the lake concluded that additional actions must be pursued the control the lake's invasive species.
It is the charge of the PPWCA to develop a long-range management plan prioritizing treatment areas within the pond, set up a schedule for using alternate methods at each of the prioritized areas, track success of drawdowns and any alternate methods used to control invasive aquatic plants, and annually review the management plan.
Solutions will be reviewed with a focus on minimizing cost, maximizing weed control and meeting the criteria for state approval. Our first strategy will be the use of a mechanical weed harvester to pull weeds by their roots from the pond. Other possible future strategies include introduction of aquatic herbicides, introduction of sterile weed-eating carp, the use of ultraviolet lights, and implementation of annual managed drawdowns of the lake.
PPWCA has completed the following steps to initiate coordinated preservation efforts:
Established Pachaug Pond Weed Control Association
Named Board Members and elected officers
Developed and approved a Mission Statement
Developed and approved By-Laws
Determined a process for membership in PPWCA
Established a sub-committee to research use of sterile carp for weed control
Designed and published a website
Created an e-mail account
Established a non-profit organization with 501c3 status
Held two annual Golf Tournament fundraisers
Selected and hired a firm which has completed 2 annual surveys of weeds and water quality of Pachaug Pond in 2017 and 2018
Held two neighborhood-wide yard sales
Completed drone surveys and weed survey
Held our first annual Comedy Night Fund-Raiser
Unanimously approved use of a mechanical weed harvester as our Phase 1 weed control strategy
Launched a fund-raising campaign to raise funds for an ECO Mechanical Weed Havester
Applied for and received grant funding
The following activities are currently underway to deepen and extend our preservation efforts:
Engage a variety of stakeholders and increase membership
Pursue annual managed drawdowns of the lake
Explore a variety of funding sources and apply for grant funding
PPWCA plans to pursue the following activites in the future:
Promote education of all stakeholders
Select a multi-facetted solution and submit related requests for permits to the state
Implement weed control strategies
Develop a longterm plan for continued weed control
Most weed control strategies require permits, either from the local wetlands commission or from the DEEP. PPWCA is committed to following the state and local regulatory processes to ensure any weed control methods implemented receive required approvals. Recommendations or ideas discussed at meetings are representative of individual opinions and are not necessarily those of the PPWCA.